Weight bath
Why do we recommend weight bath?
Weight bath is a treatment under water. Its aim is removing surfaces of joints, this way decrease affect of compression for example in case of aging of knee joint. Weight bath is a painfree treament, since raising force of water makes the body relaxed. It makes the spondyles got away due to stretching force impact on backbone, this way it frees vertebral disks from under pressure.
Through this it is a frequently used treatment decreasing complaints due to spinal problem. During treatment patient is hung in the basin, caught up under neck or arms, meanwhile weights are put at the waist or ancle, up to stage of illness, quantity is based on doctor' recommendation.
Treatment is only available based on doctor’ recommendation or referral.
How is it available for you?
Services are available in the „Aquatherapy of Cave Bath” during open hours. Appointment can be fixed – in advance as well – personally, or by phone: +36 46 561-360 or alternatively by e-mail gyogyaszat@mcturisztika.hu
Please have a look at our detailed price list of our services. »