A Miskolctapolca Barlangfürdő a Miskolc Csoport tagja

Relaxing and pain relieving treatments

Why do we recommend relaxing and pain relieving treatments?

The body system start to use its own self-curing mechanism when we place flexible tapes ( Kinezio tapes ) in case of treatments of gyroscopic – organic problem. In case of clinical aspects of rheumatology and traumatology, after operation, rehabilitation of other injuries and problems if lymphoid circulation. Kinezio tape is water proof, exempt of medicine, 100% cotton material, that can be used in case of pain relieving, improving and stabilizing circulation, and exoneration.

Usage of tape does not influenece requisition of other treaments, for example gymnastics and electrotherapy.

How is it available for you?

Services are available in the „Aquatherapy of Cave Bath” during open hours. Appointment can be fixed – in advance as well – personally, or by phone: +36 46 561-360 or alternatively by e-mail gyogyaszat@mcturisztika.hu

Please have a look at our detailed price list of wellness services. »

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