A Miskolctapolca Barlangfürdő a Miskolc Csoport tagja

The history of Cave Bath

Miskolctaplca has played an important role in life of Miskolc town since the 13-th century. The burial place of establishing clan of town has been founded in its area. Remains of Bencés monastery built here can be founded at the entrance of Cave Bath. Monks lived here from the second half of XIV. century until beginning of XVI century, when many attacks occured towards the abbey. Then monks have escaped. The buildings have been broken down and the place has got marshy.

In 1711 abbot of Tapolca drew the leaders of area’ attention to the condition of the area and suggested to set it in order. He has doctors brough from Kosice in support of justifying medicinial affect of the water and the place. The description of the wooden made building of bath was made in 1743, so the bath was finished by that time for sure.

The condition of the building of bath started to get failure by the second half of the XVIIIth century.

After that in 1837 the reconstruction of bath started. The real development of Miskolctapolca has started since the turn-around of XIX-XX century. Miskolctapolca became a real pleasure resort at the turn-around of 1920-1930 years and it was qualified as recreutation area in 1934. The lake bath was built based on plans of Bálint Szeghalmy in 1938, that has been built on a hot water lake and meant a round shape building.

The base of the resort was the water of the bath, so it was essential to build a new, European level bath instead of the former building of the bath. The new bath castle was built betwen 1939-1941. Several plans existed for usage of caves, since it was known that there are no other places where there is 30oC hot water in a cave. Archeological findings have been found in the course of breaking down old building of bath, but the opening of spring – that was 31,5oC and was hotter than the ones prevously opened was even more important. This single spring would have been suitable for suppliing all the population of the town with water based on its water output. The building of the bath was brought into use in 28th May 1941 that is a base of the present joint buildings can be seen nowadays. 212 pieces of piles of larch tree have been settled in the course of building due to mud layer – and the concrete crowning has been put onto this. Then the main building of the bath was built onto this base. The glass roofing of the hall has been finished by this time and original construction of that is able to open and close by pushing a button.

The first part of the Cave Bath was bring into use almost two decades later in 1959. The building of the lake bath was broken down in ten years later in 1969 and the „Shell” basin was bult this time as well, and that became the symbol of the Cave Bath. The openings of other passage lines of cave was started in the beginning of 1980 and these passage lines were formed to be suitbale for bathing in het course of enlarging between 1998 and 2005. At turn of the milleneum the biggest enlarging of history of bath has happened that took place for almost seven years. In the course of this enlarging several changes have been taken place like this:

  • The whole building of bath has been renewed including dome hall and changing rooms.
  • The parts of cave usable for bathing have been enlarged.
  • A bigger part has been fenced in from the area in front of the building of bath and it has been joined to the bath. The sunbathing garten, the basin for kids and swimming pool of „shell” basin have been built here.
  • The copy of former lake bath was built in the increased outside territory.
  • The building of therapy has been built – many of medicinal services operate here and guests are welcome.
  • Sauna park linked to the cave bath has been built as well.
  • The bath hall – links between dome hall and area of caves – has been finished this time and gallery also – that operates as resting place as well-- links to it.
  • The unit of the main building and area of caves has been realized by this enlarging since the main building and the area of caves have been built united in the course of buiding the bath hall.
  • Earlier one could get from the main building to the cave through a covered corridor.

We could get from the basin of bath hall to the old cave basins in the water all around in the area of caves. This is the cave area exists since 1959 and a pammelling and underground water raising and spreading over low grounds belong to it as well.

The „Star hall” can be found in the new territoty, the unique of it that in the ceiling a dome-shape star-map has been put. Visitors have the feeling as they would bath under the starry sky thanks to the star map.

The Roman hall can be found in the new territory as well. It has got its name after the wall made of bricks recalling the atmosphere of bath of Roman ages.

The third new hall has the name of gangway since there is a bridge above the basin where visitors can pass through.


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