A Miskolctapolca Barlangfürdő a Miskolc Csoport tagja

Medical pedicure, medical manicurist, fish pedicure

Fish pedicure (Due to technical reasons it is not available now!)

You can have smooth feet with help of doctor fishes. Caring of feet, tawing by doctor fishes has conquered half of the world. Fishes swimming in the basin take care of your feet, with light micro massage and they get off callus from your angle and feet. You can have baby skin affect after half an hour care.

Affects of fish pedicure:

  • speed up circulation
  • natural peeling
  • prevention of callus
  • getting rid of stress
  • make you laugh

How is it available for you?

Services are available in the „Aquatherapy of Cave Bath” during open hours. Appointment can be fixed – in advance as well – personally, or by phone: +36 46 561-360 or alternatively by e-mail gyogyaszat@mcturisztika.hu

Please have a look at our detailed price list of wellness services. »


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